1·He said that UNEP is delighted at the gradual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in China.
2·There is a gradual reduction in the corporate-tax rate from 28% to 24% over the next four years.
3·Boeing, however, says it expected the deal to lead to a gradual reduction in subsidies to Airbus.
4·Ventilator weaning is a gradual reduction of ventilatory support and its replacement with spontaneous ventilation.
5·Need to seek prior consent of the treating physician and under the guidance of their gradual reduction in drug until the complete withdrawal.
6·These rules must provide for a gradual reduction in indebtedness. They must also allow countries with high unemployment, such as Spain, to run budget deficits.
7·Canadian experts said the best approach here would be a gradual reduction in the salt put in processed foods so salt-loving palates will be able to adjust.
8·With the battery in the power supply during the gradual reduction in the voltage is gradually reduced, will affect the AC output voltage amplitude changes.
9·The researchers created a computer model simulating the impact on weather patterns of a gradual reduction of winter ice cover in the Barents-Kara sea, north of Scandinavia.
10·Quality not quantity briefcase allow the gradual reduction Quality assurance is the number for the number of escalation will then have resulted in a qualitative change!